Mid-Term Inspections (Santa's Workshop Inspection)

Mid-Term Inspections (Santa’s Workshop Inspection)

As the days get shorter and colder, inspections also decline. This is a great time to catch up on any Mid-Term / Interim Inspections.

There are normally 2 method of booking these inspections

  1. You contact the tenant and arrange a convenient time for the inspection to go ahead
  2. Your client tells the tenant that you will collect keys and conduct the report on day X

Either way, these jobs are shorter than most, so we can complete many in one day. As an added extra, you can offer an “Extra Service” free to any tenant by becoming a Santa’s Workshop Inspector.

It sounds silly, but it helps get tenants with children to book in their mid-term.

How Does It Work?

By adding the below to your emails or asking your client to do the same, this little (silly) trick will help persuade any tenant to book

Are You A Parent?

If you let us know you have children, our clerk will arrive with a Santa Hat on and conduct a Santa’s Workshop Inspection of your children’s rooms. Please let us know if you would like this FREE service and select from the below options you would like in the report.

Behaviour: Good, Bad, Could Do Better

Cleanliness: Toys Have Been Put Away, Room Is Tidy, Toys Are Messy


You can even take this one step further by adding the newly created Santa Inspection Area to your report. Just press the + button in your room list and select Santa Inspection. We would suggest that you ask the parents what options they would like stated in the report.


1.1 Santa Inspection
Overall Colour:General Condition:
RedGood Condition – No Obvious Faults In Appearance Or Function


SerialElementElement DescriptionObservation
1.1.1BehaviourBehaviour: Good, Bad, Could Do Better
1.1.2CleanlinessCleanliness: Toys Have Been Put Away, Room Is Tidy, Toys Are Messy


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