Professional Inventories App
Built By Inventory Clerks
About The Founder

i-propertyReport to Professional Inventories App
The App Journey
Often imitated but never matched, our App has many core design tools and unique features which simply cannot be replicated by the competition
As its popularity grew and our App started to win National awards for its industry leading features and productivity, owner Paul Campbell rebranded the business and tapped into the expertise of other property managers, inventory clerks, and letting agents, evolving the App to include even more pioneering features
In Autumn 2020, we launched a new version of our App, rebranded as Professional Inventories App and built exclusively for Apple iPad
Used By Property Professionals Nationwide
Winner Of UK App Awards
Nik Cumski Head of Mobile Google UK
For Inventory Clerks
Built By Inventory Clerks
Written in ‘Native Source Code’ (Swift Apple programming language for professional Apps), we can deliver stability, premium features, and a guarantee that it works at all times. This is in stark contrast to competitors’ ‘hybrid’ Apps, which are built using a website builder style tool, making them unstable and meaning their features routinely fail
We continue to grow and improve, using insights from both our external market research and our own in-house inventory company’s on-the-ground operations. This gives us a unique understanding of the needs and desires of users and their customers, and allows us to ensure our App’s periodical updates fulfil these
The Professional Inventories App is the unrivalled solution if you want an inventory App that’s been created and continually developed by inventory clerks, with all the features and functionality needed to run a successful inventory business or property management company
Finally Data and Report Security in the Cloud:
Our database is hosted by the UK’s leading server farm, which is also trusted by the Government, Police, and NHS. So you can give your clients complete confidence in your professionalism and database security

Did You Know?
In our reports you will see that all words start with a capital letter. The reason for this is a mark of respect for the fallen in WW1. This style of capitalisation was used on many town and village memorials erected after the War and this our way of remembering all the fallen, of all wars and their sacrifice
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We are a Veteran-owned business and proudly display the ‘British Veteran Owned’ logo, which means we are verified as genuine British Veterans. High-quality service is guaranteed